Monday, November 4, 2013

How To Taste A Beer

Tasting a beer is a skill that needs to be mastered if the correct setting is to be achieved. In this setting, finding out about the various aspects you should concentrate on is imperative since it is then knowledge that you receive from the same that will give you an edge when tasting the beer. Anthony Canecchia has been able to appeal to the different tastes that the people of Arizona have and has consequently produced brews that satisfy the distinct tastes that people desire with seamless ease and this is why brews from the San Tan Brewing Company have a continued success rate in the market. 

There are various aspects that should be captured when tasting a beer and they include:

1        Take note of the appearance:

The appearance of a beer more often than not describes the quality and the level of refining that the beer has been designed with. The head gives the details and it can take various orientations in that it can be creamy, light or foamy and dense. Swirling the beer makes sure that you catch the level of consistency and its true color. The color may often be either clear of a bit cloudy and this can normally give you an idea of the quality and the taste that you can expect.

2        Tune your mind to concentrate on the aroma:

Aroma makes up for a large percentage of the taste that a person is able to identify and this can explain why Anthony Canecchia took pains to perfect this part of his brewing skill. Malt, yeast and hops are the major aspects that the aroma is able to give you an insight into and you can bet on malt if there is more of a roasted aroma while yeasts exhibit some hints of fruity aroma and Ales give an aroma distinct with a spicy nature. The aroma usually prepares you for the first sip which mostly tells it all in terms of the taste.

3        Take several sips to identify the flavor and consistency:

A single sip does not give a conclusive taste structure and this is why several sips mostly in excess of 3 are suitable. The first mostly introduces you to the brew and the subsequent ones give you a total insight into the brew and the nature of the same whether it is a crisp brew, malty, or sweet. The sensation that you feel at the end of the subsequent sips is normally the clear representation of the beer. A bitter feel on the taste buds points to a hop brew while a sweet brew is mostly associated with a malt flavor and this is major factor to capture as it defines the specific beer.

4         Identify the texture and mouth orientation:

Sips normally give you an insight but the complete profile comes from identification of the texture and this is a factor that AnthonyCanecchia and the San Tan Brewing Company aim at maximizing on. That lasting impression that can either be silky, fizzy, dry and light or thick and chewy is what classifies a beer and stamps its quality.

Anthony Canecchia can adequately explain that it is important to get the taste right as it creates a balance between the passion for the brew and the desire of the taste buds.


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